University staff from 61 top institutions are set to walk out following disagreements over pensions. The industrial action will take place over four weeks. Students already face high costs to attend university. Therefore, it isn’t surprising that they aren’t happy they are losing valuable contact times with their lecturers. As a result, they are demanding compensation for the lectures they will miss as a direct result of strike action.
Not Value for Money
Whilst students would normally support their staff during disputes, they are angry that they won’t get value for the £9,000 that they have already paid in tuition fees. So far, a series of online petitions have been launched in response. Universities are being urged to provide students with compensation for lectures that have been cancelled because of industrial action.
Compensation for Financial Loss
Tuition time losses have been calculated, based on full-time students who attend 12 hours per week. A single hour of learning costs students £32. As a result, 14 days of action will be a £768 loss in lecture time. Students believe that the loss is unfair, especially since they incur a lot of debt as a result of their studies.
Those involved with the petition are not against the strike, but they simply want to receive the learning they have paid for, especially since many students don’t have a significant source of income. Since there will be a loss of precious learning time, there are hopes for compensation to be issued as a result. The losses faced by students as a direct result need to be acknowledged.
Loss of Contact Time
Concern from students isn’t just with the loss of money but also the loss of learning. Many students are in their final year of university and contact time with lecturers is essential for their final grade. A degree will ultimately affect a student for the rest of their life, so attaining the best grade possible is essential.
Students already feel like customers when they have to pay for their education. When they don’t receive value for money, it is understandable why they are frustrated. Indeed, students want their lecturers to be treated fairly but they don’t understand why their learning has to suffer as a result.