The current system for producing school league tables, which judges schools on their raw GCSE results, is in its final year, with schools set to be judged on results across eight subjects instead, a change that many headteachers have welcomed.
From next year onwards, school performances will be measured using a system called Progress 8. It will assess the progress that pupils make between Key Stage 2, and the end of secondary school, in eight certain subjects. Schools then receive a score which is based on their students’ progression, compared to the national average.
Schools had the option to ‘opt in’ to Progress 8 this year, with approximately 10 per cent, 327 schools, choosing to do so.
“Measuring schools on GCSE attainment does not take into account the fact that children are at different points when they start their secondary education,” said Malcolm Trobe of the Association of School and College Leaders.
“Schools may be doing a fantastic job in helping struggling pupils make great progress, but judging them on GCSE results does not reflect this because it is based on the grades achieved rather than the progress made. This particularly penalises schools in challenging areas,” he continued.