Former College boss wins constructive dismissal payout


The former head of Canterbury College has won a compensation package after winning a constructive dismissal hearing.

Tribunal officials heard Helen Topliss, 51, regularly faced a hostile and intimidating atmosphere created by one of her employees – Keith Strong, according to Kent Online.

One of the main arguments leading to Ms Topliss’ £70,000 payout was that Mr Strong regularly harassed her in an aggressive manner and made her feel threatened.

So bad was the campaign against the 51-year-old, she was told by her doctor to resign from the post because of stress, anxiety and depression – which she eventually did before starting a wrongful dismissal suit.

A spokesperson at Canterbury college said it would appeal the findings.

“The college is glad that four out of five of the claims made by Mrs Topliss were not upheld. The remaining claim was upheld on a technicality and is subject to an appeal filed by the College,” the press officer added.

It is not known when the appeal hearing will take place or if Ms Topliss’ £70,000 lump sum is at risk.